That was April

This April, I joyfully embarked on the journey of the A to Z blog challenge and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month). And what I won't tell is that I was registered for Camp NaNoWriMo also. A full exciting month ahead. Now, I look back and this is what April looks like. 19/26 A to Z…

S – Spiral notebooks

I said I would talk about that. There is nothing much to say actually. Spiral notebooks are the BEST notebooks EVER for writing. The spirals shouldn't be too big: you don't want to scratch your wrist all the time. The spirals shouldn't be too small: the page can turn smoothly. The pages are flat, for esay…

R -Revealing yourself in a notebook

This is a post on journaling. Girls starts very young to write in journals. It's part of the initiation of becoming a teenager. Usually your mother or an aunt will give you your first diary that you can lock with a key. In it, you write what you consider your most secret thoughts. I kept…

Q – Question it in notebooks

When I find a new character I do an interview with them. Asking for their intentions, beliefs and desires. Then, when I built the story around them, I question their motives. I use coloured pens. 🙂 Doing that allows me to find new ideas and get clear on the plot has I go along. I…

K – Kicking my butt in notebooks

This could be a post stuck in a loop. Let me explain. During the month, I read again some of my old notebooks, I found fun stuff, good ideas, uninteresting ones and some motivational speech to myself. It's cyclic. Once in a while, I talk to myself, telling me to be in action. I have…

J – Bringing JOY to writing

A few days ago, I heard someone talk about needing pain to create. I thought that was an old conversation. That we didn't say that anymore. I listened further and again, the whole point was about suffering to help you touch the deep core of your being, that place where true feelings arise. Really? What about the…

I – Ink your life

No it's not a post about tattoos. Even if I would like to talk about it. I couldn't talk about notebooks without talking about pens and ink. In my last writer's retreat, we had this absolutely fabulous conversation about pens. You know, the pen that writes smoothly on the page, easy to grip and makes…

Always the first letter

I lay lifeless on a blank page Thirsty for ink, craving words The first letter hit me quietly Punching a hole in my resignation A soft feather with pearls of ink Soaking slowly the dry leather of my cover The first word slides tenderly On snow skin, cold still from the prolonged coma Words after…

H – Having the “right” brand

A to Z challenge day 8 Theme: notebooks There is a never-ending conversation amongst writers about what is the right kind of notebook. Shape, form, weight, length, number of pages, lines or not, etc. I have all these concerns, but even if I have all kinds of notebooks of all shapes, colours and size, I…